Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Blog

This is the first entry in my newest blog. As a tool for my new journalism class I will post 2 to 4 posts a week dealing with a variety of topics from politics and philosophy to peer review of other blogs. This will be a new adventure for me in the bloggsphere. I've kept blogs before but ususally involving topics like sports, game reviews and local events. But this is a bit more serious (see academic) than my ususal posts.

Not to skate around it, if given the choice between writing a review on the House's new proposal for water conservation or the Falcons newest assistant coach, well I'd probally go with the latter (I'm a sports journalist dammit). But I'm sure any good writer or college professor would tell me it would be wise not limit yourself to one exprtise but to become well rounded in as many subjects as possible so this could be helpful from more than just an class requirement stand point but from a personal one as well. Expect many editoral peices (and way too many parentheses)

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