Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proper ways to use a Semicolon

(Connect independent clauses)
- I wanted to go to the movies; we could not agree on what movie to see.
- Dr. Hernandez gave me the news; it was cancer.
- It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
(As an extra comma)
- We stopped in Boston, Massachusetts; Albany, New York; Philadelphia Pennsylvania ; and Hartford Connecticut.
- The event days are as follows December 27, 2010; January 5, 2011; and February 17, 2011.
(Between independent clauses linked by a conjunction)
- When I go outside, I usually wear my read sneakers; but I could not find them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    So few people use the semi-colon; I don't know why it's pretty easy.
