Thursday, January 28, 2010

Social Networking.

I've always had mixed feeling about social networking (meaning I'm gonna ride the fence on this one).

Facebook (and before it Myspace) is great way to keep in touch with old highschool classmates (sparing us the akward phone calls of trying to look them up), metting your freind's freinds, and coamparing vaction photos with an old sweetheart. Sites like Twitter give us an insight into the daily lives of our favorite athletes and celebrities, often getting the news before even the major 24 hour news networks can get it.

But these tools do raise an intresting question of where socalilizing is going in society. Now I'm not saying that the Internet is going to completly terminate human contact as we know it, but in these days of Online gaming, shopping, dating even colleges it does seem like we are just one step closer to having our lives dominated as much by online obligations as we do in the matieral ones. (The idea of how popular 2ndLife and World of War Craft have gotten almost makes me want to cringe)

1 comment:

  1. Choose graphics and videos that fit inside your blog.
    awkward not akward
    friends not freinds
    comparing not coamparing
    vacation not vaction
